[ROM] [PORT] 4.4.2 Lenovo S860 - MIUI v6

by mantabagung - Selasa, 17 Maret 2015 6 Comments
4.4.2 Lenovo S860 MIUI v6


1. Both SIMS working perfect
2. 3G Working fine
4. WIFI - ok
5. Music
6. Camera and image
8. FM radio
9. Internal Memory work
10. Sound / loudspeaker / headset work (credits to @nicholasng99 for miracle brain)

Bugs/ not working
1. USB OTG cable doesnt support.

Flashing Instructions:

- 1st Must android version 4.4.2 Kitkat
- Install the TWRP Recovery. (by Power+Vol Up+Vol Down)
- Backup your current ROM using TWRP and MTK droid tools before
making any changes to your mobile. (Important)
- Download the ROM zip file from below link.
- Put the zip file in the sdcard.
- Go to recovery mode.
- Wipe cache, data, dalvik cache, system.
- Select Install Zip From SDCard and Flash Zip File.
- Reboot. First boot may takes several minutes.


Thx to :
  • ghaf85 @xda-developers.com
  • All developer @xda-developers.com

[ROM] [PORT] 4.4.2 Lenovo S860 - MIUI v6


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6 komentar to ''[ROM] [PORT] 4.4.2 Lenovo S860 - MIUI v6"

  1. Ini lebih ringan mas dibanding versi official ? versi official lemot banget soalnya sampe kalah ama p780

    1. Iya bisa dibilang lebih ringan, tp lebih ringan lagi yg versi AOSP yang sudah dan lagi di develop sama orang" XDA

  2. mav mo nanya ni bsa buat ram 2gb jg kn ? , nubie kang

    1. Iya ini untuk 2gb. Saya juga pakai yg 2gb ram nya / row versi. Ga tau juga yg versi 1gb bisa apa ngga, bisa ditanya langsung lewat XDA kalo yg memiliki 1gb ram

  3. mas saya ud coba tp terkendala di twrp, setelah diinstal terus masuk ke recovery lari nya ke recovery nya lenovo, mohon pencerahanya mas, saya ud g tahan sama lag ni hp

  4. mas, ada cara buat install bahasa indonesia ga?.. soalnya klo milih tema sama mi apps, hurufnya kebanyakan China
